Thursday, June 7, 2012

Day 8 — Hoverbikes

One of my failed attempts for Day 7 was a Space Pirate lady on a hoverbike. The problem was the hoverbike. So I thought I'd draw hoverbikes.

I sure do say hoverbike or hoverbikes a lot.


Oh! And hey! I passed my one week mark! Next milestone, a month's worth of drawings! Let's go for GOLD!

And extra hey! Between my Nylson the Gnome picture and Day 1, I was still drawing, but not much. I spent some time today scanning my other, bigger, older sketch book, and I'll post a sketchbook dump soon, so we're all caught up. And so I don't try to pass an old drawing off as a new daily one. I'm crafty like that and we must put a stop to me.

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